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Command Line Tools

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cfdinfo fully reads all supported formats, converts to an internal mesh and data structure and prints a sum up of available information.


ic3brief currently reads v2 and v3 IC3 files and prints all data headers (mesh and variables) without reading data itself.

cfdwrite_ic3v2 and cfdwrite_ic3v3

cfdwrite_ic3v2 and cfdwrite_ic3v3 specifically write an IC3 v[23] file from any supported input. Some specific options are available to transform mesh or variables:

  • --remove-cell-data varname1 [varname2 ...] removes the listed names (should be at the end of command line if several names, or followed by --)
  • --remove-node-data varname1 [varname2 ...] removes the listed names (should be at the end of command line if several names, or followed by --)

cfdwrite_ic3 is a shortname for last current IC3 writer, namely cfdwrite_ic3v3.

Automatic Format Detection

For all cfd* tools, generic file input is supported by an automatic detection of file format through its file extension. If the extension is missing or unknown, format can be forced with --fmt <format>.

  • IC3 format with either .ic3 extension or --fmt IC3 option. v2 or v3 detection is automatic.
  • GMSH format with .msh extension or --fmt GMSH option. v2.x or v4.x detection is automatic.


cfdwrite_vtk write a vtk (vtu) file from available readers (IC3 to VTK is not yet available)


cfdwritecube creates a structured cube, convert it to unstructured hexa mesh and save to specified format


ic3probe_plotline can read csv-like IC3 probe files and plot it (or save png figure)


vtkbrief reads all pyvista-available formats and prints information on mesh and data


vtkpack reads a list of file and packs it to an cfdtools hdf5 format